Monday, November 18, 2013

Building Blueprint Series: Erikson Hall and Funkhouser Building

Nicole Brown, Marketing Intern Coordinator

Welcome to the Building Blueprint series!

This time, we’re focusing on two buildings near Memorial Hall: Erikson Hall and Funkhouser Building. After reading, be sure to watch the video tour, with Madalena as your guide.

If you’re standing in the amphitheater behind Memorial and facing Memorial, Erikson is directly to your left. Built as the Home Economics Building in 1939, Erikson Hall was named for Statie Estelle Erikson, the director of the School of Home Economics at the time.

Erikson now houses the School of Human Environmental Sciences (HES), which is part of the College of Agriculture, Food and Environment. In addition to classrooms, offices and HES Advising, Erikson includes food labs, a fully stocked professional kitchen and two eateries: Fusion and The Lemon Tree. Fusion offers a variety of foods from around the world, including curries, pastas and quesadillas. In addition to a constant menu, Fusion offers daily specials. It is part of the Dining Plan and accepts meal swipes, but is only open Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. The Lemon Tree is a reservations-required restaurant that serves lunch Tuesdays and Thursdays at noon sharp. A set-menu lunch, including a drink, is $11. It’s part of the academic program for Dietetics and Hospitality Management students. By staffing the restaurant, they get hands on experience in large quantity food preparation or customer service. Reservations can be hard to come by for students, but contact for more information.

Hidden necessities: Both Fusion and The Lemon Tree are upstairs. Go in the main doors that face Memorial Hall, bear to the right down the hallway and then take the stairs on your left to the second floor. There’s also a nice seating area directly past the stairwell on the first floor.

Funkhouser was originally home to biological sciences, but now houses many offices, student services and classrooms. It’s the building adjacent to Memorial Hall and directly next to Erikson Hall with the tall, steep steps in front.

Some of the offices you’ll be most likely to use include the Registrar, Financial Aid, Academic Scholarships, Student Account Services and Housing. Undergraduate Admissions takes up most of the basement, and Family Sciences Advising is on the third floor.

If you need something and you aren’t sure where to go, check the Registrar’s website. The Registrar’s office keeps the Academic Calendar for the University, manages the Course Catalogs for the entire school, handles registration and deals with transfer credit, among many other responsibilities. You’ll find the most up-to-date tuition and fees on the Registrar’s website. Need an official transcript? That’s the Registrar too. The process can be completed online or in person. Transcripts cost $10 each, plus a processing fee if you order them online.

Most of the other offices within Funkhouser are more self-explanatory. The Financial Aid office can help with any loan, FAFSA, or non-scholarship money questions. Find your Financial Aid Counselor if you want to make an appointment. The Office of Academic Scholarships has multiple divisions, including a separate office for External Scholarships and for KEES. Student Account Services is responsible for taking all of the information about financial aid and scholarships and generating a bill for each student. If something’s not right on you myUK Financials tab, check with them first!

The best advice for navigating Funkhouser is to pay attention to the signs, like the giant blue sign with arrows near the main entrance, and to know which office you’re looking for. Then you can ask somebody in another office how to find the one that you’re looking for.

Hidden necessities: Funkhouser’s front stairs are very steep, but they can be avoided: both ends of Funkhouser also have entrances with fewer stairs. The accessible entrance is on the right end of the building, closest to Erikson Hall. Part of the building is 6 floors high, but most of it stops at the fourth floor. You can find elevators at the main entrance or on either side of the building, but if you need to get all the way to the sixth floor, be sure to use the elevators in the center! Also, be sure to pay extra attention to room numbers. There tend to be a lot of multi-part numbers, like 306A and 306B, and they don’t always seem to be in logical order.

Explore Funkhouser and Erikson for yourself, and be sure to let us know if we left something out! In the next blueprint, we’ll highlight Taylor Education Building, Dickey Hall and Reynolds Building.

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